seems fitting for the title of my first post: peace, love, and happiness.
i've been going through a ton of changes in my life recently. i went from being completely miserable to almost back to myself in about a matter of a month. i changed my major yesterday! yes! can you believe it?? yesterday i was a nursing major, and today i am a public relations major. i know. i'm just as shocked as you are. everyone keeps asking me why i changed but the only reason i can give is that i simply wasn't happy. that's it. end of story.
nursing has messed up a lot of things for me. it has ruined my relationships, my gpa, and most importantly, my personality. i wasn't the same person for a very long time, but even since yesterday when i changed my major, i feel like a totally new person.
last but not least, i cannot wait for summer. i'm a summer girl through and through. i can't wait to be me again. look at the stars, dance with the fireflies, work at the pool, drive the corvette, wear shorts every day, go to concerts, dance in the rain... geez i could go on and on and on.
but this is where it starts. i'm starting my life over as a happier person. keep you posted :)