Of course, he caught me off-guard and once again got me the best presents ever. I got a set of gorgeous pearls which I feel like I will only wear when I dress up because I'm scared and a pretty ring that was his mom's :) So as of right now, I wear the bracelet he gave me for Christmas and this ring every day.
For him, I just made more scrapbook pages to add to the pages that I made found here and here. I'm so lame. I can't wait to start working again so I can get him cool presents. I know he doesn't mind-- in fact, he absolutely loves the scrapbook. But I mind... so it'll happen soon.
So midway through this project, I had a minor crisis about how I hadn't really been scrapbooking lately. I had been putting pictures on a page and journaling. I'd lost my touch. I was being lazy, which made me freak out a little. I'm not exactly a lazy crafter.
So i found that ribbon across the top and just kind of went with it. I stuck it to some dark brown paper and started using different scissors and tools to texture the scraps that I added. Then I found some sticker-borders and put them vertically down the page.
This is also one of the pages that I feel like I ruined by journaling on. It looked way better before I wrote on it. But it's lyrics from the Hey Monday song, "6 Months."
The next page would have been included in my Valentine's Day set, but it was too much of a short notice. Roger surprised me with a Blake Shelton concert in February. It was awesome. Blake is so great. I got to see my boyfriend mid-week and guess what else-- MIRANDA WAS THERE! :)
I took these pictures with my sister's camera and I wasn't used to using it so unfortunately this page is a little blurry. Across the top left page, it says "you be my glass of wine-- i'll be your shot of whiskey," next to Miranda's picture it says "so come and get it!" On top of the right page, it says "my Valentine's Day surprise!" and on the bottom it says "God gave me you for the ups and downs..."
I like this page. Not too much of a crisis here. I think the silver and darkness is alright.
In March, we attended three separate high school musicals. My little sister had the lead in her musical, and my other sister had a pretty big part, too, so we saw that show opening and closing nights. It was hands-down the best musical our school has ever done.
We went to see his former high school's musical because his friend was in it, and they did Little Shop of Horrors. I thought they did a good job.
We also went to see my little cousin in the Sound of Music at his school, which I was impressed with. Especially with it being their first-ever full-length musical.
I definitely like the left page better than the right. I used the front of the program, our admission tickets, and framed the page with our 50/50 tickets... which we lost ;) I also included pictures of my two little sisters.
For the other page, I used the front of one of the programs, the ticket, and then cut the second program up a little and put it in there. I know, it's pretty terrible. But then I wrote in why we went to each musical.
So later in March, Roger gave me orchids that I loved one day when we were out shopping. He surprised me with them one night that I went over to his house. What a gem :)
I wanted this page to resemble the page that I made of the first flowers he gave me. If you look closely, you can tell that what I used as a background to the pictures is actually the foil that came wrapped around the orchids.
So this next page might seem pretty lame, but it was actually pretty funny. As you can see from the very front of the actual scrapbook, I still have the text message on my old phone of Roger's facebook friend request to me. So we knew the exact date and time that he sent it. We celebrated our one-year facebook friendship anniversary.
I wanted to make it just look like facebook profiles, so I just printed off screen shots from my laptop. Not very hard. However, the photo I posted to his wall printed funny so I printed off an actual picture and put it on the page. easy. painless. And since this is supposed to be like facebook, the oldest posts are toward the bottom of the page.
The next page has pictures taken from a random day in March when he came to visit me at school and the weather was unseasonably glorious. Me, Roger, my roommates, and my roommates boyfriends just sat outside all day by the lake and took in the nice weather. I even got sunburnt. These photos are courtesy of my roommate, Dakota :)
The black is just black ribbon I found in our craft room at home because my mom has been practicing corsages for prom... so I used it. whoops ;)
Next is my traditional movie ticket and such page. We haven't been to as many movies lately because we haven't been spending as much time uptown since indoor soccer is over. But we have spent time at the mall near my school, so we play with one particular puppy at the pet store everytime we go :)
I liked the different look of this page as opposed to my other movie ticket pages. It looked less little kid-ish. So then I just bordered everything in brown and put it on the pages. Another easy one.
It just cracks me up how spontaneous we are sometimes. We generally don't make plans in advance, and even if we try, something changes and we do something else. So this concert we went to the day we found out about it. It was great.
This page also came after my little crisis so you can see more scrapbooky elements... Still not the best example but I like it.
I also think the very top picture on the right is hilarious. Since I'm not 21 yet, they always "brand" me, or so I call it, so the bartenders know not to serve me. I also like the picture of us on the left that the photographer at the event took :)
This next page is one of my favorites. I love the simplicity of the yellow and dark, dark gray. It also matches my headband, and it's one of my favorite pictures of us. I love this boy...
And when I was all done, I was sad that my crafting project was over. So I crafted a box to put the pages in! :)
After I put the pages in the box, I sprinkled some origami hearts that I made from different sheets of scrapbook paper.