Friday, February 22, 2013

February Date

So... remember the preplanned, pre-paid date envelopes??  Well, while Roger and I were in Niagara Falls a few weekends ago, I gave him his Valentine's Day present early and allowed him to open his February envelope!  Woooo! ;)

So, the outside of the envelope gave some clues to what the event might be-- money to cover admission charges, black, fun confetti...

So after he opened it, he got to read my note to let him know that we were going midnight bowling.  It's something we've been planning to do for a while and we just don't ever find the time because our weekends are so busy-- so I figured if it was our February date, we'd have to do it.

Also, since it was Valentine's Day month, I wanted to incorporate hearts and pink into the date envelope.  So I used pink paper and wrote my note with my new pink Le Pen and free-cut a turquoise heart... you know.  Because my favorite color is turquoise.  So I couldn't help but incorporate it.  A lot.

I also couldn't help myself when I found heart-shaped paper clips on Pinterest.  I'd tell you how to do it but I wasted like eight paper clips one day at work and I have yet to be able to bend another paper clip the same way, so... yeah.

Last night we finally got to go bowling!  It wasn't a night we originally planned, but the bowling alley we went to offers a discount on Thursdays for college students... so we both found our old ID's and got in a little cheaper than we thought we would :)

...back off he's mine.

And no one will ever believe me, but I actually beat Roger with my highest score ever of a 142... under his name... It's a long story.  But I swear I'm telling the truth!

Sorry the picture is a little blurry... the screen was so high.  Plus it's a cell phone pic.  Zoomed in.  But as you can see, I was on fiiiire.  I had a spare almost every frame... and if I didn't, I at least knocked down nine pins.  Roger said if I would have had a heavier ball, they would have been strikes every time because I was throwing it in the same spot and left the same one or two pins up every time.  But I really couldn't have.  I couldn't have consistently thrown a heavier ball.  I'm weak.  I have weak wrists.  What can I say??

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the two of us together, but it was so much fun.  I can't wait to go on the rest of our dates and try some new things! :)

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